Six companies submitted bids in a tender for the reconstruction of Dąbrowskiego Street between Rzgowska and Podgórna, together with a tram line. The most advantageous offer was submitted by "Tor-Krak" for the amount of PLN 49,888,800 gross.
However, the offers still have to be checked in terms of formalities. The 1.5-kilometer section is to be ready by the end of August 2019.
Changing the road layout
The section planned for reconstruction is approx. 1.5 km long. All elements of the road surface and track, along with the overhead contact line and underground installations will be replaced. The track will be completely separated from the road and moved to its southern side (for this purpose, it will be necessary to demolish the tenement house near the intersection with Kilińskiego). The adjacent part of ul. Rzgowska - thanks to this, one of the last two places where the 805Na carriages cannot pass each other due to a too small gauge will disappear from the Łódź tram network. The whole will be completed with new pavements and a bicycle path.
However, less signaling
An important change in relation to the original intentions is the reduction of the number of intersections with traffic lights. Initially, ZIM and the City Engineer's Office planned to set up traffic lights at Rzgowska, Łomżyńska and Kilińskiego Streets. Now they are only supposed to appear on the latter. As the representatives of the Management Board explain, re-analyzes were carried out, which showed that the signaling at Rzgowska and Łomżyńska streets is not necessary to improve safety, but it could worsen the traffic flow of both trams and cars. At Rzgowska, however, underground installations are to be built, which, if necessary, will enable the installation of masts and activation of signaling devices.
ZIM plans to sign the contract at the turn of August and September. The contractor will probably be able to enter the construction site in September. Almost two years will pass from the conclusion of the contract to the completion of the investment (the deadline is the end of August 2019).
